Contec Ingegneria
Contec AQS
Contec Industry
Econ Energy
Gruppo Contec
Open Building


Integrated know-how for architecture, engineering, occupational safety, energy and industrial plant engineering, real estate development, IT and software development

  • The design of swimming pools Lido di Verona to Contec Ingegneria

    The group of companies led by Contec Ingegneria has been awarded the redevelopment of the swimming centre in via Galliano (“Lido”) in Verona, which has been in a deteriorated and abandoned condition for some time.

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  • Launching wooden walkway: the resumption of construction sites

    The construction site activity suspended for the prevention of the Covid-19 virus, symbolically resume with the launch of the wooden walkway of a textile production complex.

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  • Digitization and automation for bridges: Contec contributes to research

    Digitization and automation for bridge management through an organized system is the central theme of the new research project promoted by the University of Padua, with European support and regional approval, in which Contec Ingegneria participates as a partner with its own skills and experiences in road infrastructure design.

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  • How to manage reopened construction sites with the Coronavirus

    How to manage the construction sites reopened with the Coronavirus is the issue that is gradually being addressed by the construction industry, in light of the regulatory provisions – not uniformly valid throughout the country – which loosen the lockdown mesh on some production areas.

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  • Better air quality to prevent the virus

    Better air quality is one of many aspects that must be taken into account in the overall coronavirus prevention strategy of organisations. What measures should be taken? What role can installations play?

    The contribution is by Filippo Busato, Technical Director of Econ Energy and President of AICARR, energy management referent in the working group set up by Contec for the management of the health emergency.

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  • Interoperability and the IFC standard: the event for (open)BIM users

    Interoperability and the IFC standard: the event for (open)BIM users

    Interoperability, openBIM and the IFC standard make up the first subject of FORWARD, the space that Contec Group has created for spreading knowledge about innovation and new practices within the building sector, in all its fields: planning, work management, worksite safety, document management, facility management.

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    La foresta di Gruppo Contec

    La nostra foresta è per tutte le persone che compongono il nostro ecosistema aziendale: persone, clienti, fornitori e partner. Ma non solo.
    La foresta porterà valore alla comunità keniota che se ne prenderà cura in un percorso agricolo e di sviluppo economico attraverso i frutti che riceverà.

    aggiornamento iso 9001-2015

    The update of ISO 9001-2015: Contec is ready

    The update of ISO 9001-2015 was the theme of the training meeting for experts and officers of QMS (Quality Management System) of Contec Group.

    The meeting took place at the branch office of Padua and it has been an important opportunity for internal training in order to update the knowledge and skills of the Quality Management System of UNI. The new version of UNI EN ISO 9001 about the Quality Management Systems for was introduces with a particular attention on the topic of Risk Management, in connection with ISO 31000 “Risk management – Principles and guidelines” that will be one of the main theme of QMS the new theme of QMS in the upcoming years.

    Contec is certified ISO 9001and shares constantly with its partners and customers the business processes adapted to these international standards.

    Why is important for a company to work according to QMS?

    The ISO 9001 international standards discuss the ways to achieve high performance using methods to improve the efficiency at all levels of the company. ISO 9001 is the most used standard worldwide because it ensures the quality of processes, providing competitiveness and accomplishment of goals. Issued on 15th September and released on 22nd September, the new edition of ISO 9001-2015 has to be applied by organizations and individuals certified within 2018.

    The 2015 one is the fourth revision of the ISO 9000 and it expands the layout issued in 2008. This last update has a first – level structure split in 10 chapters. Those who have been updated always include in the layout PLAN – DO – CHECK- ACT and concern the following issues:

    chapter 4 | Context of organization: understanding the organization and its context; needs and expectations; the use of the Quality Management System;

    chapter 5 | Leadership: leadership and engagement; Quality Policy; roles, responsibility and authority

    chapter 6 | Planning: actions to meet the risks and opportunities; quality goals and planning; planning the changes

    chapter 7 | Support: resources; competence; awareness; communication; information

    chapter 8 | Operating activities: planning and operational controls; needs of market; operational planning process; control of products and services; development of products and services; production of products and services; the release of products and services; products and services that fails in terms of standard

    chapter 9 | Performance evaluation: monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation; internal audit; review of management

    chapter 10 | Improvement: nonconformities and corrective actions.

    With the addition of the expression “products and services” ISO 9001-2015 became a concrete opportunity for all companies that provide services, leaving the original setting linked exclusively to the industrial sector. The standard faces the increasing complexity of the market, as it keeps in consideration ethics and sustainability and the fragmentation of the supply chain that companies choose more frequently.

    This update ISO extends the attention to the functions and external processes related with all stakeholders. In the new edition of the standard, companies are more aware of the external environment, needs and expectations of all stakeholders, all sides for their own success.

    Photo credit: BSI Italia (





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