Contec Ingegneria
Contec AQS
Contec Industry
Econ Energy
Gruppo Contec
Open Building


Integrated know-how for architecture, engineering, occupational safety, energy and industrial plant engineering, real estate development, IT and software development

    La foresta di Gruppo Contec

    La nostra foresta è per tutte le persone che compongono il nostro ecosistema aziendale: persone, clienti, fornitori e partner. Ma non solo.
    La foresta porterà valore alla comunità keniota che se ne prenderà cura in un percorso agricolo e di sviluppo economico attraverso i frutti che riceverà.

    The legal control of suppliers, the digital solution of I-CON

    I-CON, the Contec Group company specializing in software development, presents the digital solution for the legal control of suppliers in the field of procurement contracts, through three events in Padua and Verona.

    If the contractor of works and services does not respect the obligations required by law, the responsibility directly involves the client company. How is it possible to protect against the irregularities of these suppliers?

    Traditionally, a good protection tool is the negotiation and drafting of contracts, which impose a precise control system to be exercised on the contracting operators (among them, the “DURC”).

    Taking a step forward, beyond the formal correctness of the contents, the dynamics implemented are very similar to what we see in the technical design processes, where the attention is focused on the management of information.

    What can be technologically implemented in an innovation perspective for the legal control of suppliers is proposed by ICON, committed in the development of flexible solutions for the constant monitoring of the suppliers and for returning to the company managers an accurate and updated description of the state of legality of the contracts in progress.

    An updated tool – which can be updated, as well as customizable – allows companies to control and reduce the risks associated with incorrect behavior by suppliers, avoiding heavy penalties.

    I-CON, in collaboration with SHR ( and Make or Buy Procurement Rating Agency (, will present the MoBox software, created to optimize and simplify the exchange of information between company and suppliers.



    9.45 am | Welcome

    10.00 am | Regulatory framework on procurement contracts and joint and several liability

    Avv. Gianluca Spolverato, Spolverato e Soci – labor lawyers

    10.30 am | The importance of information flows between the client and the contractor

    Dr. Giulia Velo, Business Controller – Make or Buy

    Dr. Enrico Rudella, Lean Manager – Make or Buy

    11.00 am | Presentazione del software MoBbox

    Dr. Lorenzo Zulian – I-CON

    12.00 am | Closing of the works



    November 7, 2018

    Subscription here:

    December 7, 2018

    Subscription here:

    SHR Moon
    Via Francesco Rismondo 2/E – third floor
    35131 Padua

    November 23, 2018

    Subscription here:

    Via Dominutti 20
    37135 Verona

    Photo credit: Ron Dyar via Unsplash






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