Contec Ingegneria exhibited in Parma
Monday 21 September at 17.30 the exhibition “Nuovo Ponte della Navetta – 87 idee per il nuovo ponte” will be inaugurated at the WoPa Temporary Parma (via Palermo, 6 – entrance from via Catania). The event collects the projects presented by the participants to the call
for the design of the new bridge suitable both for cycling and pedestrians “Della Navetta”, organized by the Municipality of Parma.
The well-appreciated concept presented by Contec Ingegneria has been developed by the operative unit in Parma, under the coordination of the architect Enrico Maria Ferrari.
The exhibition will be open: Monday – Friday 16-20, Saturday 10-13, Sunday 16-20.
The exhitition will close on 27 September.