Technical teaching at SAIE 2014
New participation at the 50° Exposition of the Building Innovation (SAIE) in Bologna.
Thursday 23rd October 2014 Stefano Lappa of Contec Group | Pronext will conduct a two sessions for professionals of the building and real estate sector.
This educational workshop is focused on two topics:
– 10.45 “The new role of the professional: from operative designer to a consultant for the client”;
– 15.30 “The leasing for building and other tools for a partnership between public an private: the stimulation of the public investments in order to go beyond the restrictions imposed by the Government”.
Contec Ingegneria is developing a new project dedicated to the lifelong education for professionals in collaboration with Gruppo Euroconference.
Save the date!
SAIE 2014 | Bologna, 22 – 25 ottobre 2014
Stand Il Sole 24 Ore Software/STR (Pavilion 33, D32-E29)