Contec Ingegneria
Contec AQS
Contec Industry
Econ Energy
Gruppo Contec
Open Building


Integrated know-how for architecture, engineering, occupational safety, energy and industrial plant engineering, real estate development, IT and software development

  • The design of swimming pools Lido di Verona to Contec Ingegneria

    The group of companies led by Contec Ingegneria has been awarded the redevelopment of the swimming centre in via Galliano (“Lido”) in Verona, which has been in a deteriorated and abandoned condition for some time.

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  • Launching wooden walkway: the resumption of construction sites

    The construction site activity suspended for the prevention of the Covid-19 virus, symbolically resume with the launch of the wooden walkway of a textile production complex.

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  • Digitization and automation for bridges: Contec contributes to research

    Digitization and automation for bridge management through an organized system is the central theme of the new research project promoted by the University of Padua, with European support and regional approval, in which Contec Ingegneria participates as a partner with its own skills and experiences in road infrastructure design.

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  • How to manage reopened construction sites with the Coronavirus

    How to manage the construction sites reopened with the Coronavirus is the issue that is gradually being addressed by the construction industry, in light of the regulatory provisions – not uniformly valid throughout the country – which loosen the lockdown mesh on some production areas.

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  • Better air quality to prevent the virus

    Better air quality is one of many aspects that must be taken into account in the overall coronavirus prevention strategy of organisations. What measures should be taken? What role can installations play?

    The contribution is by Filippo Busato, Technical Director of Econ Energy and President of AICARR, energy management referent in the working group set up by Contec for the management of the health emergency.

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  • Interoperability and the IFC standard: the event for (open)BIM users

    Interoperability and the IFC standard: the event for (open)BIM users

    Interoperability, openBIM and the IFC standard make up the first subject of FORWARD, the space that Contec Group has created for spreading knowledge about innovation and new practices within the building sector, in all its fields: planning, work management, worksite safety, document management, facility management.

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    La foresta di Gruppo Contec

    La nostra foresta è per tutte le persone che compongono il nostro ecosistema aziendale: persone, clienti, fornitori e partner. Ma non solo.
    La foresta porterà valore alla comunità keniota che se ne prenderà cura in un percorso agricolo e di sviluppo economico attraverso i frutti che riceverà.

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    Mace Group

    Mace visits Contec Group

    Today MACE Group ( – worldwide leader in the sector of consultancy and construction through services across the full property and infrastructure lifecycle,  visited the offices of Contec Group in Via Albere.

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    Pronext in conversation with Best Western

    Yesterday, 14 September, Pronext has participated in Milan in the first briefing for professional organized by Best Western Italia.

    Best Western, one of the worldwide leader of the hotellerie, invited some operators and business developers of the sector in order to introduce and present the new corporate policies of brand offering that will involve its 170 hotels located in Italy.

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    Contec’s partners again on tv

    New presence on tv for Contec’s partners.

    The summer edition of Petrolio, tv show of journalistc inquieries, has paied the attention to the current topic of “Made in Italy” during the last episode aired on 27 July on the major Italian channel Rai 1.

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    Transhumance and Curiosity, an art meeting

    Today, 17 July, at Villa Rodolfi in Villanuova Ozzano Taro (Parma), the art exhibition Transhumance and curiosity will be inaugurated.

    Enrico Maria Ferrari, architect of Contec Ingegneria, curated this monographic exhibition of sculptures of Angelo Micheli 

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    Matteo Ricci in Opera

    Italy and China: the life of Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi

    It will be held on Saturday 18 July (7.30 p.m.) and on Sunday 19 July (4 p.m.) at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan, the first show of the Italian tour of P. Matteo Ricci in Opera, supported by Contec Group.
    The show will be performed also in Macerata (Teatro Lauro Rossi, on July 21 at 9 p.m.) and Verona (Teatro Filarmonico, on July 24 at 9 p.m.). The shows in Macerata and Verona are free entry.

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    Music in Verona with Pronext

    Saturday 11 July Pronext | Contec Group invites you at the church of San Giorgio in Braida in Verona for a concert of classical music with a suggestive program that includes pieces from the Bach, Mozart, Rossini and other incursions more contemporary.

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